Saturday, 9 October 2010

London Fashion Week 2010

Ive been meaning to update my blog in ages but ive been so so busy! So im starting here and hopfully I can keep this up! I wanna share a some pics from London Fashion Week which I modeled in a few weeks ago.  I can't believe I actually got cast for it without having an agent - I pushed hard to find my way into a  casting! haha!

The week itself was manic. I think I'm currently the queen of many different hats! Juggling so many different things in one week and being someone different to everyone I meet! From the receptionist to the freelance photographer, to the singer, to the design the model! It was manic and I was exhausted from it all but It was an awesome week!

I must be honest and say that my 1st day was a little scary and I got a little upset at 1st because I was told I was 'too big' a few too many times. I'm roughly a size 10 but most clothes were a size 6 so I understand, but I wont take it to heart by any means. I took it on the chin and rocked the runway!

I walked in 3 shows for LFW and it was a super cool and interesting experience. Below are some photos from my crazy LFW experience!

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Castings and meeting some lovely Sikhs! :)

Yesterday was a brilliant day. I went to London (nothing new there!) I started off by going to a casting that I had arranged for myself. It was to be a model for London Fashion Week. I took my highest heals and was as charming as possible. The women who were casting were lovely and said that my walk was great and I would be part of LFW - result! :D  I'm just waiting for the full details to come through so I know exactly what I'm doing.

After my casting (which was in Covent Garden) I went to M&S for my lunch. I spent far too long in a cue which stretched around the entire store like a kind of snake, surrounded by extremely grumpy Londoners who all looked like they needed a holiday!

After lunch I jumped on the tube and went to Shepherds Bush. I was on a mission to find a Sikh Temple that I had researched! My sister works for a charity called 'Advice Now'
She often asks me for photos to use on their website and in their magazine. This month she needed a photo of a young Sikh man. The photo will be put with an article about the Sikh community to open peoples monds and work towards stopping discrimination.

So after getting lost in London, a little old lady offered to take me to the temple. (How sweet!) When I arrived I explained what I was there for and everyone was so open and friendly! They were happy to have their photos taken.  It was an absolute pleasure to meet them all and they even gave me some home made curry that they had just made for themselves! :D
Here is the temple I visited:

I have posted a few photos below of the people I met at the Temple. Enjoy!

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Fun Photos :)

Last week I invited my friends Izzy & Jodie round my flat for some photo shoot fun. I met Izzy when we both modeled in Brighton Fashion Week recently, and Jodie of course is my main make up artist.   

I wanted to do a really simple and fresh shoot. Something with really clean make up, hair tied back... maybe sounds a bit boring compared to other shoots Ive done but actually it was so much fun and Ive wanted to something like this for ages!  

The make up looked flawless and Izzy being the super beautiful and funny girl that she is - well she was a pleasure to shoot and we kept each other entertained!

After I had got the shots I wanted I decided to just have fun and Izzy pulled all manor of faces...I have posted these silly photos on my blog as you can see. 

Please take a look at my official website and my flickr to view my proper photos from the shoot :D

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Wedding Photo Shoot

Ive decided that I want to create my own fashion style wedding shoot.  Its amazing that I'm doing real weddings, but its time to push the bar and create something a little different. I want to merge high fashion with traditional wedding photography. Ive only ever seen it done well once and so I would like to be the 2nd :0) haha!

I have officially got myself a car for the day from a local company:
I'm hoping that I can have this particular car for the day:

And here is the location I would like to shoot at. It's called Rottingdean and is just 10 minutes east of Brighton long the coast.

And here is my source of inspiration:  Photography: Zhang Jingna

I have my hair and make up artist sorted --->

...though Im considering having an extra couple of models so I may need one more hair/MUA person on board.

I have 3 models though I need at least one more (male!) Though possibly could do with 2 more males and 1 more female.   If you are a model (male in particular), then please get in touch. Female model needs to be between a size 8 and 12. Male model should be slim, but not skinny and a minimum height of 5ft 9. And he must own his own suit that fits him properly!

I am in the process of sorting out the wedding dresses, accessories and flowers, but if anyone reads this and is interested in helping in anyway, please get in touch!  :0) 

Monday, 19 July 2010

Quite an Interview!

So today I had a job interview to work for a jewelery company. It lasted for 3 and a half hours which is a record for me I mist say! I started off with the interview and then explaining my way through my portfolio. 

Then I was given a brief to complete in 2 hours. I had to set up my equipment and a light tent, choose a few pieces of jewelery out of a large selection, choose some props from a very random selection and photograph! Then I had to edit/re touch the images.

The theme of the shoot was 'Narnia'. Unfortunately for me I didn't know anything about Narnia! So I began by researching the film quickly and flicking through fashion magazines.  I was worried about my lack of time so I didn't research as much as I maybe should have done, but I did my best.  I cant say all the pics are Narnia themed, but I was so confused to how to do a Narnia jewelery shoot without knowing the story or film! So some of my end photos just happened to look good - end of!

Ive never shot products before, including jewelery, and a lighting tent - well Ive never even seen one before! It was certainly a steap learning curve but I'm really glad I gave it a go and I did my best. I'll hear next week whether I get the job as they are interviewing all week - eek!

Here are some of my photos from the interview brief:

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Brighton Fashion Week

I am waaaay behind on my blogging! So here is just a really quick post. I was a model in Brighton Fashion Week last month which was an amazing experience! I made some awesome friends who i'm definitely keeping in touch with :0) And I made some good contacts for future work.  So all in all, a really brilliant week. Thanks to BFW for having me as a model! :D

Some Photos of me from Brighton Fashion Week

Monday, 28 June 2010

Calling all models, stylists, designers, fashionistas, Hair & MUA peeps!

I worked so super hard in April/May with photo shoots and university deadlines that I have been taking a break from portfolio based work this month (June)

HOWEVER I want to start developing and creating new ideas for future shoots this summer!

If you would like to work with me in any way this summer and have an awesome and new idea then I want to hear about it! Think BIG and UNIQUE! Don't let possible barriers hold back your ideas...there is always a way around them! I'm really interested to hear what you have to say.

Either comment on my blog, message me on facebook, send me an email or give me a call! If you have pictures to send me as inspiration you can email them to:

For those of you who are unfamiliar with my photography, here is some of my recent work below:

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Copyright Uncovered

Everything you need to know (unofficially!)

Until recently I knew very little about the rules of copyright within the world of photography. I decided to do some serious research so that I could share my new found knowledge with anyone else in the world who would like to brush up on their copyright knowledge.  I have ready through many websites in order to write up this research so I believe it should all be correct! I hope this helps other like minded individuals.

My research shows that copyright originates at the moment a piece of work is created. If a photograph is taken with a digital camera then the copyright originates at the time the image is saved on a computer or hard drive. A copyright symbol and a watermark does not mean that your work is officially protected from infringement, but it is always a good idea to use them because it acts as a deterrent for would-be infringers.

On March 1, 1989, the law was changed to further protect artists from copyright infringement. A copyright notation is no longer an absolute necessity of the Copyright Act. However, with the digital world growing by the day, it is now incredibly easy to steal artists work, and someone with less than good morals can easily infringe the copyright law if they want to.

The truth of the matter is that the only solid way to protect your work is by registering each individual piece of work for copyright. The purpose of this is to ensure that you have proper, independently verifiable, evidence of your work. This ensures that if anyone steals your photos you have solid evidence to prove your claim.

So few people know the full rules of copyright within the realm of photography.  Therefore copyright infringement happens frequently and sometimes the people who are in the wrong, have no idea! I certainly found myself in this situation a few years ago and had no idea I was in the wrong in any way. So many people don’t know what they can and can’t do with other people’s copyrighted work for their own commercial use.  My research shows that you must get verbal or written consent from the owner of the copyright, and will most likely have to buy the rights to use the image.

There are images online called stock photos.  These are put online to be used for anything and everything!  Most stock images allow you to use the image for commercial use, however you normally have to pay for stock photos in order to have the rights to use them.  You don’t have to pay for all stock images, but these ones will often come with various rules such as not using for profit and crediting the owner of the stock.

There are not really any grey areas within photography copyright.  As previously mentioned, the copyright of an image always belongs to the photographer and therefore, other people can’t use them without permission.  The only exception to the rule is if the photographer is working for a company who has asked the photographer to sign away any rights to copyright.  This means that the copyright of the images taken by the photographer will belong to the company and not the photographer.

As a photographer and a digital editor myself, I need to know whether it is acceptable to digitally manipulate copyrighted content so it is not wholly recognisable.  Research has taught me that no, you can’t do anything with copyrighted images without expressed permission from the copyright holder.

There are possible penalties if challenged by the original owner of the content.  The worst situation is that you could get sued by the owner.  Copyright law is mostly civil law, which means that you would usually get sued, but not be charged with a crime.  “Innocent until proven guilty” is a principle of criminal law, but in copyright suits, these don’t apply in the same way.  The rules vary, depending on the type of infringement, but it’s mostly which side and set of evidence the judge or jury believes more.

There are various things that I can do to effectively protect my own work from copyright infringement.  When posting my images online, I can make sure I only post low resolution pictures so that anyone who copies it, can’t do a huge amount with it as it is too small and will pixilate when enlarged.

I can also choose to digitally watermark my images before posting them online.  This involves putting semi transparent text over the image which contains my details as the photographer.  I may also choose to write that my image is copyrighted next to it using the ‘C’ symbol which stands for copyright.

Another way of copyrighting my images is to use EXIF data to digitally embed data into my files.  When doing this I can edit fields that follow the copyright guidelines.  I can edit the image title and my contact details.  If I have used EXIF data and my image is being used without permission I can get in contact with the individual or organisation in question to inform them of this.  If I want to be compensated for the use I can check the ‘National Union of Journalists’ website to determine the standard industry rate for the type of use in question.

The final way I can go about copyrighting my image is the most official and therefore the best way to do it.  I can register copyright of my photos online and pay a fee to do this.  Doing this will ensure that I have proper, independently verified evidence of my work.  This ensures that if someone steals my photos, I have solid evidence to prove my claim.

Lastly, I would like to talk about the ‘Creative Commons’ scheme as I feel this would be a useful bit of information for many people to know. Creative Commons licenses are for people who don't wish to profit from their works and share their works in the manner they prefer.  There are four different types of ‘Creative Commons’ licences’.  The first one is called ‘Attribution’.  This means that the owner of the licence allows others to distribute, display and perform your work.  It also allows people to base their work on the original.  This is called derivative work.  An example of this is a painting based on a photograph or a screenplay passed on a book.  Under the ‘Attribution’ licence, all of this can be done as long as the original artist is credited they way they request it.

The next Creative commons licence is called ‘Share Alike’ which means that you allow others to distribute derivative works under a licence, which is identical to the licence of your work.  The third ‘Creative Commons’ licence is called, “Non Commercial”.  It is exactly the same as the “Attribution” licence, except that people are not allowed to make any profit from their creations.  The final ‘Creative Commons’ licence is called, “No Derivative Works”.  This means that you allow others to copy, distribute and perform your work exactly how you have created it, but you are not allowing anyone to creative derivative works based upon it.

Creative Commons is a wonderful way of sharing your work and enriching the creative community online and in the real world.  However I feel that for myself, I would prefer to fully copyright my work and keep my images solely for viewing and appreciating, unless I agree otherwise.

Useful Links: 

Monday, 24 May 2010

Interactive Magazine - Business Woman Shoot

As promised I have uploaded my magazine in a more interactive flash version...this will be shown at my exhibition next week, but it will hopfully have my other two photo shoots included as the concepts are very similar. Whehter this happens will depend on how much time it takes to get the designs sorted once Ive finished editing the images. Fingers crossed! But take a look at my magazine from my 1st photo shoot. It's pretty awesome :0)

Just copy the link below into your browser! Then click on the magazine pages to turn them.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Housewife Shoot - All ready to go!

On Thursday im doing my housewife themed shoot. Everything is officially set and here are some pictures of what to expect!

Here is a rough idea of what the make up will look like, but we will do lilac eyes instead of blue as it matches the outfits better :0)

Here is the location - my friends very lovely kitchen :0)

Here is the inspiration for the hair style we are going for. Luckily my model and gorgeous long hair so I'm certain we'll get a fab result!

We will be styling the dress with cute socks we found in Primark and H&M, a little like the picture below...

Here is my beautiful model. her name is Helen and you can see her full model portfolio here:

Here are the shoes for the shoot...

And here are the outfits...though they will be styled up differently than this so as to give the 50's look a very modern twist:

Here is a link to the portfolio of my wonderful make up artist. Here name is Jodie:

And here is a link to the hair stylists profile. Her name is Ruby and im very exciting ed to work with her for the 1st time!

Here is a link to see some of my stylists portfolio. Her name is Sarah:

And here is the website for the designer whose clothes I am very honored to be using!

And lastly, but not my any means least - Thank you in advanced to my friend Russ for allowing me to borrow his awesome Canon 7D for this shoot! Hurray! :D