Monday, 23 January 2012

At the end of 2011 I did a photo shoot for Nina. She is a super lovely person who traveled a long way to see me for the shoot.  Like everyone I photograph she was a little nervous to begin with, but she really got into the shoot, took direction well and just had fun with it! I love doing boudoir photo shoots because I love seeing the transformation in someones confidence from when they arrive to when they leave! 

I often get sent thank you emails after they have received the photos, but Nina went an extra step and created a thank you card with a photo of her living room on the front and a really lovely note inside.

Below is the photo of her living room - as you can see she now has her favorite photos printed on canvas and up on the walls! Amazing! :D

 And as well as a lovely card, I also got a nice comment on my facebook photography page too! :)
"Thank you so much for the shoot we done a few weeks a go, the pictures are amazing, better then i ever imagined they would be and I could look, and that is all down to you.
You made me feel so comfortable and welcome and I have been practicing smiling with my eyes!!!!!"

Here are a few of her photos from our shoot:

Well Done Nina for a fantastic job!

For more of my client boudoir and glamor shoots check out my website. I'll soon be moving studios and will have a whole host of new boudoir photos to show off once I'm there so keep checking up!
Emy Lou's Boudoir & Glamor Photography

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Emy Lou Wedding Photography 2012

My brother is a graphic designer and as a very lovely favor he created a beautiful wedding photography leaflet for me! For 2012 and 2013 I am offering brand new wedding packages which include more things than ever before. Check out the lovely design, new packages and more below!

And if you need a designer I would highly recomend my brothers company.

And here they are all printed out!

And here are some of my recent wedding photobooks amongst the leaflets :)