Monday, 2 March 2009

Lets get to it...

Well, we are in week 2 of the project and im feeling quite behind which is not like me. I've had various 'brainwaves' for ideas, done a ton of research and then not quite followed through and moved on. Today was no exception. But enough is enough and I shall be sticking with today's idea as I've starting designing bit and bobs and done research and stuff. Ive got my product, company name, fake url address, top banner and color if only I understood how to write a website! I'll work on the whole html thing this week. I gota im worried about it. Im excited too but everyone is saying how amazingly easy it it. But personally, i think you are gonna say that if you already know what you're doing and you have picked it up. But for me it's all a bit overwhelming...i'll get there though and add a new skill to my list of...ermm, skills!

On a separate note, Im doing some modeling in a couple of weeks, and i'm also doing some fashion photo shoots as a photographer and getting a hair and makeup artist in to do some more avante garde stuff. Im dong it to build my portfolio and just get creative again, away from the classroom. Anyhoo, as always i have collected some images that I like in terms of fashion, lighting, posture, model etc... Ive got a massive folder full of them, but ive put some of them onto a slide show. Mainly for my own amusement, but here it is, in case anyone else is interested in what fashion images inspire me :0)

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